As such, I have decided to indefinitely postpone any further work on the game. I do still hope to return to it someday, although I expect that, if I do, the focus will be more on background and world building than game mechanics. These pages are being left here as an archive, in the hopes that people will still find the material in some way interesting or inspiring. Take everything below with an appropriately sized grain of salt.
"Revolutionary" is a word that a lot of people throw around without good reason, but we think that in our case it really does apply.
What is it about Infinite Horizons that's so revolutionary? Well, actually, nothing, but at the same time, everything. Let us explain.
We strongly believe that a role-playing game shouldn't just be a collection of disjointed rules; it should be a cohesive, self-consistent unit. Infinite Horizons was designed with this in mind. There's probably not much in it that hasn't been done elsewhere before. What we think is special is the way they all interact.
The first example of our dedication to consistency is the decision we made at the beginning to ensure that Infinite Horizons is multi-genre in the truest sense of the word.
To gain an insight into the game mechanics, you might be interested in the design philosophies that we are dedicated to.
Hopefully these, along with the Basis Rules now available, will give you a good idea of why we think that Infinite Horizons truly is revolutionary.
Due to popular demand demonstrated by the survey, we have posted a preliminary history of two continents on the fantasy world, Kyrdalm. We hope to make a map available very soon now.
To find out what we are working on, check out the current developments page.
There is now a programme available to assist with character creation.
See the Software area to download it.
We also have some preliminary information available on the various
supplements currently being planned:
Fantastic Horizons
( with the
introduction to the magic system
now available),
Modern Horizons,
Galactic Horizons,
and the campaign world of Kyrdalm.